
Destination Shipping method Cost  Time
New Zealand Standard Tracked $2 3-5 days
New Zealand Overnight Courier (Selected products only) $29 1 day


Please note: Please be aware that certain shipments may encounter delays during customs clearance. Kindly take this into consideration when estimating shipping times.

Each shipment is accompanied by a tracking number, enabling you to track its journey from our facility to your doorstep. 

Pre - Orders

Please be informed that orders containing a pre-ordered item will not be partially fulfilled. Your order will only be processed once the pre-ordered item becomes available in stock. If you prefer to receive your in-stock items promptly, we recommend purchasing them separately. Thank you for your understanding.

Taxes and Import fees

The delivery cost for international online orders does not cover any potential import taxes and customs duties. You or the recipient of the order are responsible for paying any applicable import taxes and customs duties. Please note that duties and taxes are assessed based on the total value of the items in your parcel. We advise reaching out to your local customs authorities to determine the additional duties and taxes that may apply to your parcel upon its arrival in your country.